I never met a Booster I didn’t like... Let’s face it, this is the mantra of North American growers. There are so many self identified ‘boosters’ out there it takes a super computer to count them. Problem is few are truly metabolism boosters, which is what a booster should be, most are either additional nutrients, organic compounds, or someone dipping their old socks in a vat of water. One company actually has three products that are the exact same products, only the names were changed to protect the innocent.
A booster acts independent of nutrients, enabling the plant’s systems to work at optimal levels while leaving no footprint or excess baggage behind. It works by influencing plant systems, sometimes by triggering desired responses such as an auto-immune response, or by increasing in specific essential oil production.
The best booster

There are many ways to get there, by overloading a particular component and hoping a runaway reaction occurs, by morphing a system to produce more of one thing or another, by directly interjecting a component through translaminar or transcellular migration, or by genetically altering the plant. None of these methods are particularly effective, consistent or benign (some even dangerous). The problem is we only affect one part of a system while ignoring the rest. The best way to achieve these goals is to affect all the systems with the one component common to all systems, Energy.
By affecting the energy pathways, all of them from production, to translocation, storage, and utilization, we can affect all systems equally. Therefore, the best booster would be one that affected all systems and allowed them to utilize energy at the optimal rate possible. Not just this, but it would be one hat works with the plants existing systems, causes no imbalances, produces no mutations, works within the plants own framework, and leaves nothing behind that is toxic or allergenic.
A booster should allow energy to be metabolized easily.
A booster should allow energy to be metabolized easily, moved quickly, and utilized as needed never limited. By allowing these things to happen, the plant has all the energy it could ever need for flower production and maturation; production of desired compounds like oils and alkaloids; rapid and extended photosynthesis; effective available storage of energy components like starch; stronger, faster dividing cells; and better respiration processes in the plant cell. The only thing that would improve upon this magic elixir would be if it were composed in such a way as to significantly affect particular areas as well so that overproduction of desired components would not alter or tax all other systems because our energy is now free flowing and available whenever and wherever the plant needs it.
Trigger flower and oil production
By using the right plant components, and combining them with the correct decomposition process it might even be possible to take advantage of other desired results like triggering the plants natural immune systems (people get vaccinated). We might even be able to trigger heavier flower and oil production by mimicking specific stressors, or change the ratios of internal compounds to more of what the market is after and less of what is ineffective. We might even be able to affect the way structural and chemical compounds are laid down so that cells become larger or oils and saps becoming denser. Well, truth is, there are two boosters now that do exactly this.
One company actually has 3 products that are exactly the same product, only the names were changed.
CANNA Research has developed two new products to the market, BioBOOST and CANNABOOST Accelerator. The two are identical in almost every way but BioBOOST is organic with nothing inorganic added and CANNABOOST has a component part that is inorganic but pure. The use of this component in the Boost product kicks it in high gear so that the results are rapid and big. BioBOOST handles itself in a slower manner, but it is the perfect answer for those wanting to stay 100% organic and when using the Bio Vega, Bio Flores nutrients. BioBOOST will work in all systems like CANNABOOST. Both products affect the energy systems of the plant in the way described, and the organic component gives the part that would be nice.
A significant part of both products is the oligosaccharines that result from the breakdown of the bio components. These are basically small protein chains and cell wall chains that mimic enzymes, hormones and growth regulators. They stimulate key things in a plant such as the immune system (which turns on and acts as a preventer), alkaloid and essential oil production, influences protein synthesis allowing the cells to become denser, and strongly trigger the ‘organic’ taste in consumed plant components
Instead of trying to find many products to do the same thing (can’t be done), a grower can invest in CANNABOOST and BioBOOST and get them all in one package.