Anticipating tax reform alone won't suffice to reduce costs in our regulated industry. While taxes are integral, they are not the sole contributor to production expenses. To maintain competitiveness, a thorough grasp of production costs is absolutely essential! 

JOIN us for our next online CANNAtalk session, where we'll delve into production cost analysis, necessary monitoring levels and strategies for cost reduction.

Let's navigate this together and stay ahead in the industry!

Join the conversation and ask your questions to our panel members!

The State of the Industry in 2024


Nicholas Sosiak

Nicholas Sosiak

Chief Financial Officer - Cannara Biotech

George Goulakos

George Goulakos

Executive VP - Great White North Growers

Moderators: Shannon Kloet & Nico Hache of Hache Kloet Consulting

Shannon Kloet & Nico Hache